Going Digital: Tips for Choosing a Digital Attendance System

Within the vast & modern bazaar of available digital applications, the option of improving one’s business has always been a very marketable industry. Throughout this modern era, the internet, as well as the convenience of digital technology has greatly improved the lives of everyday people, as well the public sector; it would only make sense that such powerful capabilities would soon be applied to the rigorous systemization and indeed optimization of private sector entities.

An All-In-One App with Multiple Functions!

Dokodemo-Kerja is currently the best online attendance application in circulation, applying a full range of features used to flexibly increase overall employee productivity.Some of these features include Attendance & Leave Management, Task Organization, as well as Employee performance evaluation: all through just one application.

Manage Employees Easier through the Dokodemo-Kerja HRD Application. Try it now!

Currently, modern day HR departments are finding the use of a digitized attendance system vastly superior to that of the “old-school” clocking-in methods. Moreover, due to the widespread use of remote working applications, a digital solution to finding out the attendances of employees has become somewhat of a necessity these days.

However, these digital applications, like anything within this colorfully vast entrepreneurial economy, come in many available options to choose from. Indeed, sometimes too many. It can be hard for companies to select the most appropriate attendance application best suited to the workflow of their business. However, fear not, because this article intends to clear the air and help your company choose the app that’s right for you:

When Do Companies Need to Use Employee Attendance Applications?

If your company is currently experiencing these conditions, it would be strongly advised to switch your attendance tracking strategy:

1.      When you’re company is running on a remote work strategy

This is a no brainer, really, but the fact that everyone is working from home decreases the level of control that a company has of their employees. Although the employee freedom and flexibility offered by remote work strategies has its many benefits, working from home must always be supported by digital apps in order to level out the amount of control that HR has. The issue of office attendance does not differ at all in this regard.

Just imagine not leveraging any kind of clocking in strategy while having to manage a whole cohort of individuals being relied on to carry your business. Looks like a nightmare scenario, doesn’t it? The ability to mimic the necessities of office life while your employees are at home is critical for the very same reasons when they work at the office: everyone needs to be able to make it known that they have started working.

Having a digital attendance system allows employees to be able to clock into work right after having their breakfast, so to speak. This makes managing one’s employees from a distance a whole lot easier as managers can easily see who is ready and available for work and who… well, is up for a stern letter being sent through their email.

2.      If you’re company currently employs many people

If the number of people employed by your business is still under the 50 person “line in the sand”, then managing your workforce manually might still be doable. However, as soon as your employee population exceeds 50, then it’s not hard to see how this can quickly turn into a bureaucratic nightmare for your HR department (especially if you don’t have a lot of people working in human resources).

Problems start to occur when data spreadsheets start to number in the hundreds; here’s a hint, your HR team is going to be dealing with a whole lot of “new folders” within “new folders”.  This “folder stacking” can be quite therapeutic if you like building an intricate 500 foot hole worth of data, but eventually errors will occur. Specifically, the type of error that is otherwise every easy to avoid: human errors. In this regard, it’s hard for an individual to keep track of employee data because it is always being updated. In addressing this issue, employee attendance applications are designed specifically to automate HR processes in regards to managing employees. Through this system, your company will be able to store a wide variety of data; this makes sure employee attendance data remains organized and easy to manage.

The perfect solution for managing employees remotely!

An advanced HRIS system that effectively monitors the performances and productivity of your employees. WFO or WFH? Manage both and Stay Productive with Dokodemo-Kerja!

An affordable HRIS app that increases productivity. Check it out here!

Necessary features of Employee Attendance Applications

 Such features depend wholly on the company’s specific work strategy; indeed, it depends on the specific needs of the company. However, there are some general standards that should be met when selecting an attendance management software. Here are some things to look out for:

1. The application must be easy to use

It is key that the attendance software is user friendly. This is important to note as the application will be used by employees of varying different ages. In this regard, employees who are younger tend to have a better grasp on technology in the first place. However, those who are older might experience varying levels of success when dealing with new technology.

Indeed, when introducing new technology to your workforce, the last thing you would want is to have the software intended to make things easier, actually be a cause for complicating your company’s workflow. Therefore, make sure the attendance application your company is deciding to adopt has a good user interface and, most importantly, it would be easy for anyone to understand and operate.

2. The App must have a good security system

A comprehensive employee attendance app will allow your company to store and manage a wide swath of employee data, ranging from names, dates of birth, addresses, identity numbers, insurance numbers, and other sensitive personal data. Therefore, companies must choose an employee attendance application with a strong security system, as a large amount of your company’s (important) data will be vulnerable without this feature.

It is highly recommended to select a company / vendor providing attendance applications which carry out careful and thorough cyber security practices, as well as carry out regular updates or maintenance procedures in order to ensure that there are no vulnerabilities in the application.

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