HRIS applications are useful data management software that allows its users to store data within a cloud based space. Many companies have steadily been converting their databases to cloud based systems. This is due to the vastness of data that they are usually required to manage. The alternative is an “on premise” database, where data is simply stored within hard drives, which itself presents a flaw, as such method of storage are apt to cyber security breaches, as well as commonly being less organized.
Dokodemo-Kerja is currently the best online attendance application in circulation, applying a full range of features used to flexibly increase overall employee productivity.Some of these features include Attendance & Leave Management, Task Organization, as well as Employee performance evaluation: all through just one application.
Manage Employees Easier through the Dokodemo-Kerja HRD Application. Try it now!
Cloud-based HRIS systems allow companies to securely store employee data within one online location. Data can also be accessed easily anytime and anywhere as long as the device is connected to the internet. Here are some Advantages of HRIS Online Cloud Applications.
1. Reduces the use of paper documents
Cloud-based online HRIS applications eliminate the company’s need for the overuse of paper based storage. All employee data will be stored securely digitally in the cloud. Thus, the HRD team no longer needs to search for employee data from piles of paper so that they can save more time and effort.
2. Availability of data for remote workers
A great functionality that cloud based HRIS systems allow for its users is the fact that accessing and managing data becomes systematized and easy for workers to do, regardless of their current location. HRIS online cloud uses a centralized management system, as the data collected by the application is stored within one single place. Thus employees or Human Resource Departments can reap the benefits offered by HRIS applications easily and without having to use any prerequisite office equipment. This in particular will be very beneficial for employees who are working remotely. Through cloud-based HRIS applications such as Dokodemo-Kerja, remote based employees can apply for leave & manage their attendance easily and in real time.

3. More cost-effective
The HRIS online cloud application not only makes it easier for you to manage data but makes it easier for the company to save money. Through cloud based services, companies do not need to pay for additional hardware or software. When using an on premise service you will need to purchase a variety of expensive systems and equipment. However, through the use of cloud-based services, you will be using the resources offered by the HRIS application provider, who will manage your database for you. In addition, using cloud services can also reduce your company’s system maintenance costs. You can also experience the above mentioned benefits through the cloud based system Dokodemo-Kerja. This all in one online HRIS application provides a wide variety of features designed to benefit the company with the management of their employees.
The All-In-One Cloud Based Attendance Application Dokodemo-Kerja and its Features.
1. Attendance management features
The Dokodemo-Kerja application provides a wide array of conveniences and features that can be leveraged as e-attendance functions. Dokodemo-Kerja also makes it easier for employees to perform attendance management; it allows managers to keep track of the total weekly hours each employee has put in. This allows delays and the times they occurred to be easily viewed.
An advanced HRIS system that effectively monitors the performances and productivity of your employees. WFO or WFH? Manage both and Stay Productive with Dokodemo-Kerja!
An affordable HRIS app that increases productivity. Check it out here!
2. Employee Self-Service
Employees can utilize the Dokodemo-Kerja application to independently handle various matters regarding their data within the company; you can also see the number of leaves remaining within one year. Also, delegating tasks when employees are on leave becomes easier.
3. Personnel tracking & employee tracking
This system can be used by the HRD team in order to monitor employee work, know the total number of hours worked by each individual, as well as observe employee locations when working on a mobile basis.
4. Reporting features
In order to make it easier for the HRD team to draft reports, Dokodemo-Kerja also comes with a reporting feature. Through this feature, the company can better find out the company’s attendance history. This includes the total weekly working hours put in by each employee.
If you are currently interested in switching to an online HRIS system then you can rely on Dokodemo-Kerja. For more information about Dokodemo-Kerja, please contact us. You can also take part in the free Dokodemo-Kerja webinar which is held every week. For complete webinar information, please click here.