Human Resource Information Systems: A Quick Overview

Human Resource Information Systems are used to manage large amounts of employee data within a company. Indeed, a company needs accurate data regarding its employees so that decisions can be made thoroughly and accurately. This is necessary because the delay data will affect the value of an employee’s performance or the overtime data will affect the nominal allowance to be given by the company. Before SISDM existed, companies still managed data manually using spreadsheets.

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In addition to taking long amounts of time, manual systems are also prone to human error; as a result, both the company and the employees are the losers. That is why a Human Resource Information System (SISDM) is needed. With this system, the task of managing employee data can be carried out effectively, efficiently, and more organized.

Understanding Human Resources Information Systems

Human Resource Information Systems (SISDM) are used to maintain, manage, and process employee data, assisting companies in implementing HR-related policies or procedures. Currently, most SISDMs are available in the form of website-based applications or mobile applications. One example of a Human Resource Information System is the Dokodemo-Kerja system.

A comprehensive SISDM will provide a wide variety of information all centered within one centralized system (centralized storage), better providing various features that succeed in simplifying the administration of various HR tasks. Some features that this process includes are leave management, e-attendance / online attendance, time tracking, calculating employee salaries/benefits, and much more.

Commonly Featured HRIS Functions

Currently, HRIS has become an increasingly popular tool within the world of work. In fact, government agencies have also used this digital system. Many infer that this exponential increase of use is due to the widespread remote work that has been adopted ever since the so called New Normal laws. Here are some examples of the features commonly used through Human Resources Information Systems:

  • Employee attendance management

One example of a HRIS based feature within a company is allowing the management of employee attendance digitally. As we already know, employee attendance is one of the important things that need to be managed by the company. Through the attendance list, the company can determine fair salaries or benefits, monitor discipline, and know the work patterns of its employees. Therefore, to make it easier for the HRD team to record employee attendance lists, the company uses the SISDM application.

This application provides features that can manage employee attendance lists, namely the e-attendance feature and time tracker feature. The online attendance feature is used to clock in (start working hours) and clock out (clock when ending work). So, from this feature the company can find out which employees are late.

In addition, SISDM also provides a time tracker that is able to calculate the total working hours of employees. Thus, SISDM can provide various information transparently regarding employee attendance lists, hours of arrival or delays, total time spent resting, as well as employee return hours.

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  • Management and application of leave

An example of the application of the Human Resources Information System can also be done to manage employee leave. Prior to this system, leave was submitted manually using a paper form that had to be signed by several parties. The remaining employee leave also needs to be repeatedly confirmed to HRD.

However, since the company implemented a digital system, the process can be carried out effectively online. So, employees simply apply for leave through the SISDM application and the system will forward it to the parties concerned. The system in general is also made in the form of multi-level approvals so that the granting of permits can be carried out correctly.

After that, if the leave is approved, the system will update the data automatically and display the remaining annual leave quota remaining. Thus, employees no longer need to repeatedly ask the HRD team for the remaining annual leave they have.

  • Implementation of Employee Self Service

Employee Self Service (ESS) is one of the main features provided by the HR information system where employees can perform basic tasks related to HR administration. By using SISDM, companies can implement ESS so that employees can independently manage their attendance lists, view total hours worked, apply for leave, view remaining leave quotas, change personal data/information, request time off, and much more. In addition to making it easier for employees to manage HR administrative needs, this system is also able to ease HR tasks. Thus, HR can focus more on other crucial tasks.

  • Task Management

Task management is a process to manage the cycle of a task and SISDM can be a system that can help run the process. Dokodemo-Kerja is one of the HRD applications that provides this feature.

This feature allows the HRD team to delegate tasks and makes it easier for the team to track the total time employees spend on completing assigned tasks. As we know, in a company the HRD team has an important role to manage employees so that they can maintain good performance. Therefore, task management is needed so that the tasks can be completed properly by each employee.

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