Remote Work: An Overview of Key Statistics

As 2022 proceeds further into the era of the global pandemic, it is becoming clearer to everyone that remote working, while properly suited to the times in which it was needed, is now here to stay. This can be due to a variety of reasons: firstly, due to the mass conformity of the new normal laws, remote working strategies were a great way to have replicated the sensation of office live, but within the privacy of one’s home; in other words, it was a convenient strategy to ride out an otherwise unbearable situation: businesses could function from a distance, so to speak. However, it has come to the point where, regardless of the status of the worldwide pandemic, remote working has now eased itself into the everyday schedules of the world of business, which brings for the second point: it is now much too convenient for businesses to revert back to their old strategies of office based work. Indeed, remote work has been an ongoing way of work for plenty of years before the onset of Covid; the difference is that back then, its widespread usage was generally unknown. Now though, it has become a staple strategy of industries all over the globe. In this article, we will be taking a look at a few statistics from pieces of research from across the internet that highlight why and how exactly distance based employment is more than just a simple trend, but a fact of life here to stay:

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  • Remote work is a city-based high income strategy

A general rule of thumb when it comes to distance based strategies is that remote work is highly over represented within more high income places, or place with higher “income trend scores”. This makes sense, as remote work easily goes hand in hand with those who can afford the technology to support working from home. After all, there’s no use in engaging in work from home strategies when you don’t have a laptop or, importantly, a fast internet. Indeed, you wouldn’t get much work done if your wifi signal kept bleeping out of existence every 10 minutes or so. That’s why place with widespread wifi usage fits perfectly with companies that are relying on distance based strategies.

  • Healthcare, technology and finance are the top industries where remote work is overrepresented.

It’s no surprise that IT companies mesh well with distance based strategies; in many ways, the technology industry was somewhat prepared for this and had the hardware/software to back up a thorough remote work strategy, as software, application and website development can all be done from the comfort of one’s laptop. However, it would be harder to conduct heart surgery through the glare of one’s computer screen. Indeed, one may find it surprising that healthcare is among the most remote work friendly industries out there. Of course, this is in regards to important desk jobs such as Medical Director Leads, Clinical Data Manager, Operations Reviewer, Clinical Research and Recruitment.

  • By 2028, 73% of all departments will have remote workers to some extent

This is a very hefty prediction, but it is said that in around 6 years, remote work will become the dominant mode of employment across the board. The data for this point was collected by Upwork, and confirms what everybody is already thinking about this “new order” of the nature of work; indeed, the pandemic has surely pushed telecommunications into the open.

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  • 99% of workers would accept a distance based job, even if they would be working part time.

A study conducted by buffer revealed what we all really knew already: people prefer working remotely to working from the office. Indeed, this study highlights the fact that, as workers, the ability work as free as much as possible and as flexible as possible is, in fact, just as important and attractive as the salary itself. This glaring statistic should be a serious sign that remote work is not just a trend or a strategy to get through the pandemic, but a very apparent fact of life.

  • Small businesses are much more prone to contract remote workers than larger businesses

This is a statistic that makes perfect sense; because a very attractive trait of working remotely from the employers’ side of things is the fact that the businesses gets to save a lot of money on office space and hardware, this represent a huge win-win opportunity for smaller businesses across the world (especially those operating within big cities). These days, if your team is small enough, you don’t even need to even ever had met your office compadres-in-arms face to face; indeed, all you need is an effective video conferencing app and a good instant messaging & communications system. Also, this allows the company to invest further on other areas crucial for smaller businesses to capitalize on, such as within the area of digital marketing.

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